2000 Business and Non-Instructional Functions

2110 Budgeting, General Guidelines for 2111 Fiscal Control, Methods of 2111.1 Cash Receipts, Collection and Delivery Procedures 2111.2 Petty Cash Funds, Procedures for Use of 2111.3 Payroll Certification, Procedures for 2111.4 Telephones, Cell Phones or Other Communication Devices, Provisions for and Use of 2111.5 Student Body Organizations, Privileges and Limitation of Funds for 2112 Records and Records Control 2112.1 Fee Schedule for Duplicate School/District Records 2112.2 Electronic Records Retention 2113 Funds, Investment of 2115 Purchasing Procedures 2120 Equipment Control 2120.1 Equipment Control 2120.2 Equipment, Dismantling or Removal of 2120.3 Band Uniforms, Disposal of 2120.4 Donations and Acceptance of Gifts, Building, and Vehicles 2120.5 Lease, Lease-Purchase, and Other Multi-Year Agreements 2125 Insurances, District 2125.1 District Vehicles, Traffic Accident Report for 2130 Liability Claims, Procedures for 2130.1 Liability and/or Legal Claims, Processing of 2130.2 District Claims Reporting Procedure for Automobile and General Liability 2131 Legal Claims Against the District 2131.1 Legal Claims Against the District, Procedures for 2132 Tax-Sheltered Annuities, Employee Authorization for 2133 Health Insurance Advisory Committee 2135 Key Control 2135.1 Key Control 2136 Property Damage, Recovery of 2136.1 Property Damage, Reporting of 2137 Personal Property Damage, Reimbursement for 2137.1 Personal Property Damage, Reimbursement for 2139 Video Surveillance of Public Areas 2139.1 Video Surveillance of Public Areas 2140 Custodial, Cafeteria, and Noon-Duty Assistance 2145 School Environmental Services 2145.1 Utility and Service Areas, Responsibility for 2146 Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness/Relief, Plans for 2146.1 Civil Defense and Disaster Preparedness/Relief, Plans for 2146.2 Bomb Threat/Response Procedures for the Education Center 2146.3 Smog Alert, Procedures Related to 2150 Cafeteria/Food Services 2150.1 Free and Reduced Price Meals 2155 School Construction and District Facilities 2155.1 State Approval of Buildings and Other Structures 2155.2 Housing of Students, Guidelines for 2160 District Mail Facilities, Procedures for Use of 2160.1 District Mail Facilities, Procedures for Use of

3000 Community Relations

3110 Printed Materials, Guidelines for 3110.1 Communication Materials, District Office and Schools, Guidelines for 3110.2 Duplicating Work for Outside Groups, Guidelines for 3115 Volunteer Services to the School District, Guidelines for 3115.1 Volunteer Services to the School District, Background Check Guidelines 3116 Visits to the Schools 3116.1 Visits to the Schools 3116.2 Response to Immigration Enforcement 3117 Controlled Parking, District Property 3118 Pupil Fees 3118.1 Pupil Fees 3119 Uniform Complaint Procedures 3119.1 Uniform Complaint Procedures 3119.2 Uniform Complaint Procedure for Williams Complaints – Instructional Materials, Teacher Vacancy or Misassignment, or Emergency or Urgent Facilities Conditions 3120 Complaints Against School Employees 3120.1 Complaints Against School Employees 3125 Other Governmental Agencies, Cooperation with 3125.1 Fire Department, Cooperation with 3125.2 Police Department, Cooperation with 3125.3 Loitering in and About School Premises 3125.4 Marshal’s Office, Relationship with 3126 Personnel Negotiations/Public Notice 3127 Sex Offender Information and Notification 3127.1 Sex Offender Information and Notification 3130 Crowd Management for Athletic/Co-Curricular Events 3133 District Facilities, Naming and Renaming 3133.1 District Facilities, Naming and Renaming 3134 Tobacco Use, Prohibited 3134.1 Tobacco Use, Prohibited 3135 Use of School Facilities and Grounds 3135.1 Use of School Facilities 3135.2 Non-Profit Organizational Use 3135.3 General Use, Regulations and Prohibitions 3135.4 Athletic Fields, Playgrounds 3135.5 Athletic Fields, Playgrounds - Adult Use 3135.6 Gymnasium Use - Community Youth Groups 3135.7 Don Wash Auditorium 3135.8 Religious Organization Use of School Facilities 3135.9 Schedule of Fees for Use of School Facilities 3145 Bingo and Related Gaming Activities 3145.1 Bingo and Related Gaming Activities 3150 Community Use of School Food Services Facilities 3150.1 Community Use of School Food Services Facilities 3162 Restrictions on Use of School Grounds - Dangerous Activities 3163 Equipment Loaned to or by the District, Restrictions on

4000 Personnel Functions

4010 Non-Discrimination – Employees and Applicants 4010.1 Reporting and Responding to Complaints of Discrimination/Harassment in 4011 Equal Employment Opportunity 4012 Harassment on the Basis of an Individual’s Sex - Certificated/Classified Employees 4012.1 Harassment on the Basis of an Individual’s Sex - Certificated/Classified Employees 4013 Travel: Procedure Pertaining to Employees and Students 4013.1 Travel: Procedure Pertaining to Personnel and Students 4014 Professional Standards and Expectations of All Personnel 4015 Employees, Assignment of 4015.1 Employees, Assignment of 4020 Employee-Employer Relations 4025 Employees, Responsibilities and Duties of 4025.1 Employees, Responsibilities and Duties of 4027 Prohibition of Drugs and/or Alcohol in the Workplace 4027.1 Prohibition of Drugs and/or Alcohol in the Workplace 4028 Drug and Alcohol Testing, Employees in Safety Sensitive Positions 4028.1 Drug and Alcohol Testing, Employees in Safety Sensitive Positions 4030 Employees, Physical Examinations Required of 4030.1 Employees, Tubercular Examinations Required of 4035 Health/Welfare Benefits: Employees, Board of Education Members, Personnel 4035.1 Health/Welfare Benefits: Management Employees, Board of Education Members, 4035.2 Employees, Totally Disabled: Health Benefits 4036 Employees, Insurance Programs for 4040 Self-Insured Workers’ Compensation Program 4040.1 Workers’ Compensation Program 4042 Occupational Safety and Health Acts 4042.1 Occupational Safety and Health Acts 4043 Bloodborne Pathogens, Exposure Control Plan 4043.1 Bloodborne Pathogens, Exposure Control Plan 4045 Employees, Non-School Employment of 4045.1 Employees, Non-School Employment of 4046 Employees; Personnel Files, Rights Pertaining to 4046.1 Employees; Personnel Files, Rights of Inspection 4050 Employees: Student Solicitation/Commercial Endorsements 4050.1 Employees: Student Solicitation/Commercial Endorsements 4060 Employees, Legal Status Requirements 4060.1 Employees, Legal Status Requirements 4111 Certificated Employees; Selection of, Certification, and Employment Procedures for 4111.1 Certificated Employees: Recruitment, Promotions Within the District 4111.2 Certificated Employees, Contract Forms for 4111.3 Certificated Employees, Certification Procedures for 4112 Alternative Assignment Authorizations 4112.1 Alternative Assignment Authorizations 4113 Certificated Employees, Probationary/Permanent/Tenure Status of 4113.1 Certificated Employees, Tenure Status of 4114 Certificated Employees, Temporary and Part-Time Status of 4115 Certificated Employees; Substitute, Definition of 4117 Certificated Employees; Substitute Personnel, Salary Computation of 4118 Certificated Employees; Summer School Personnel, Contractual Status of 4118.1 Certificated Employees; Summer School Personnel, Hiring Procedures for 4118.2 Certificated Employees; Summer School, Evaluation of 4119 Certificated Employees; Adult Education Personnel, Contractual Status of 4120 Student Teachers; Contractual Agreements for, Placement and Supervision of 4120.1 Student Teachers, Placement and Supervision of 4131 Certificated Employees, Problem-Solving Procedures 4147 Certificated Employees, Tutoring by 4153 School Nurses/Other Certificated Personnel, Duties of in Referring Students to 4170 Certificated Employees; Enrollment Decrease/Retirement, Reduction of 4170.1 Certificated Employees; Enrollment Decrease/Retirement, Termination Because of 4172 Certificated Employees, Dismissal for Failure to Accept Employment Offer 4180 Certificated Employees, Professional Growth of 4180.1 Certificated Employees, Professional Growth of 4180.2 In-Service Education for Salary Credit, Guidelines for 4181 Certificated Employees, Salary Schedule Placement, Semester Unit 4182 Certificated Employees; Salary Schedule Placement, Recognized Institutions 4185 Certificated Employees, Salary Schedule Placement 4185.1 Certificated Employees, Salary Schedule Advancement 4186 Certificated Administrative Employees, Reassignment to a Position of Lower Rank and/or Salary Due to a Reduction in Force 4186.1 Certificated Administrative Employees, Rights as Related to Reassignment to a Position of Lower Rank and/or Salary Due to a Reduction in Force 4187 Certificated Administrative Employees, Demotion or Movement to a Position of Lower Rank and/or Salary within the District, for Reasons Other than Reduction in Force 4188 Certificated Administrative Employees; Selection, Temporary Assignment, or Transfer 4188.1 Certificated Administrative Employees; Selection, Temporary Assignment, or Transfer 4210 Personnel Commission, Recognition of 4210.1 Personnel Commission, Organization of 4210.2 Personnel Commission, Meeting of 4210.3 Personnel Director 4215 Personnel Commission; Regulations, Statutory Authority for 4215.1 Regulations of the Personnel Commission; Terms, Definitions of 4215.2 Personnel Commission, Preparation of Budget and Annual Report for 4216 Classified Service, Establishment of 4216.1 Classified Service, Classification of Positions in 4216.2 Classified Service, Position Classification Specifications of 4216.3 Classified Service, Employees Working out of Classification in 4216.4 Classified Positions, Review of Duties of 4216.5 Classified Service, Reclassification of Positions in 4220 Classified Service, Employment Opportunities in 4220.1 Classified Service, Applications for Employment in 4220.2 Classified Service, Confidentiality of Application Information 4220.3 Classified Service, Examinations for Positions in 4220.4 Classified Service, Establishment of Eligibility Lists for Appointment to 4220.5 Classified Employees, Certification and Appointment Procedures 4220.6 Classified Service, Duties of Eligible Appointees to 4220.7 Classified Service, Appointments Other than Regular 4220.8 Classified Positions, Summer Session Appointments to 4225 Classified Service, Employment Procedures for 4225.1 Classified Employment, Probationary Period of 4225.2 Classified Employees, Performance Evaluations of 4225.3 Classified Employees, Transfer of 4225.4 Classified Employees, Voluntary Demotion and Restoration of 4225.5 Classified Employees, Transfer/Demotion for Medical Reasons 4230 Classified Employees, Leaves of Absence for 4230.1 Classified Employees, Vacation for 4230.2 Classified Employees, Paid Sick Leave for 4230.3 Classified Employees, Personal Necessity Leave for 4230.4 Classified Employees, Family Illness for 4230.5 Classified Employees, Occupational Accident, Injury, and Illness Leave for 4230.6 Classified Employees, Bereavement Leave for 4230.7 Classified Employees, Special Leaves for 4230.8 Classified Employees, Particular Leaves for 4230.9 Classified Employees, Leave for Study 4230.10 Classified Employees, Other Leaves for 4230.11 Classified Employees, Family Care Leave For 4235 Classified Employees, Layoff Procedures for 4235.1 Classified Employees, Layoff Procedures for 4235.2 Classified Employees, Resignation of 4235.3 Classified Employees; Suspension, Demotion, or Dismissal, Causes for 4236 Classified Employees, Disciplinary Procedures For 4236.1 Classified Employees; General Provisions on Disciplinary Actions 4236.2 Classified Employee; Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action 4236.3 Classified Employees; Preliminary Appeal Hearing 4236.4 Classified Employees; Action by the Board of Education 4236.5 Classified Employees; Filing for Appeal Hearing Before Commission 4236.6 Classified Employees; Personnel Commission Appeal Hearing Procedures 4240 Classified Employees, Grievance Procedures for 4245 Classified Employees; Salary Schedule, Determination of 4245.1 Classified Employees; Salary Schedule, Application of 4245.2 Classified Employees, Work Periods and Overtime for 4245.3 Classified Employees; Salary, Special Considerations for 4245.4 Classified Employees; Salary, Particular Considerations of 4245.5 Classified Employees, Education and Training for 4245.6 Classified Employees, Insurance Plans for 4245.7 Classified Employees, Special Provisions for 4250 Retirement, Classified 4310 Management Employees, Definition of 4311 Management Employees, Evaluation of 4312 Management Employees, Transfer of 4313 Management Employees, Certification of 4315 Management Employees; Leaves, Notification Procedures for 4315.1 Management Employees, Leaves of Absence for 4316 Management Employees, Vacations for 4316.1 Management Employees; Vacation, Twelve-Month Employees 4320 Management & Confidential Employees, Mileage Reimbursement for 4325 Management Employees, Part-Time Employment Plan for 4325.1 Management Employees, Part-Time Employment Plan for

5000 Student Affairs

5110 Enrollment 5110.1 Ages of Admission 5111 Non-Discrimination, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying– Students 5111.1 Non-Discrimination In District Extra-Curricular Activities 5111.2 Student Non-Discrimination, Responding to Complaints 5111.3 Provisions and Accommodations for Transgender and Non-conforming Pupils 5112 Attendance Procedures, Requirements of 5112.1 Attendance, Truancy and Leaving Grounds 5112.2 Child Abuse - Procedures for Referring Abused Children 5112.3 Attendance Procedures, Unexcused Absences and Grades 5113 Inter/Intra District Attendance 5113.1 Inter/Intra District Transfers 5114 Absence, Approval for Religious Purposes 5114.1 Absence, Approval for Religious Purposes 5114.2 Absences, Authorization for Pupils to Be Excused from School for 5115 Exceptional Children, Special Provisions for the Education of 5115.1 Exceptional Children, Special Provisions for the Education of 5116 Exceptional Children, District Programs for the Education of 5116.1 Exceptional Children, District Programs for the Education of 5116.2 Student Testing, Controls of 5117 Specialized Physical Health Care Services, Students Requiring 5117.1 Specialized Physical Health Care Services, Students Requiring 5118 Homeless Students, Enrollment of 5118.1 Homeless Students, Enrollment of 5119 Student Health Examinations/Screenings 5119.1 Student Health Examinations/Screenings 5120 Student Records, Maintenance and Release of Information from 5120.1 Student Records, Maintenance and Release of Information from and Access to 5120.2 Cumulative Records, Guidelines for Inspection of or Access to 5120.3 Student Records, Guidelines for Disposition of 5120.4 Student Emergency Information, Maintenance of 5120.5 Minor Pupils, Divorced/Separated Parental Rights Regarding 5121 Research Studies and Surveys 5121.1 Research Studies and Surveys 5122 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions 5122.1 Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions  5123 Student Wellness 5123.1 Restroom Use 5124 Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students 5130 School-Related Activities 5130.1 School-Related Activities, Use of Facilities for 5130.2 High School Off-Campus Functions, Guidelines for 5130.3 Extended Trips; Intermediate and High School Students 5130.4 Student Activities; Intermediate and High Schools 5130.5 Student Uniforms, Special Provisions for 5130.6 Intermediate School Intramural Sports Program 5130.7 State Mandated Physical Education Testing 5130.8 Athletic Program; Secondary Schools, Guidelines for 5130.9 Athletic Participation, Student Release from Classes for 5130.11 Interscholastic Athletics, Required Insurance and Medical Examinations 5130.12 Athletic Protective Equipment, Guidelines for 5130.13 Use of Football Stadia, Guidelines for 5130.14 Student Transportation for Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities, Guidelines for 5130.15 School Pictures, Procedures for 5130.16 Pupil Transportation To and From School 5130.17 Pupil Transportation - Responsibility Levels 5130.19 Pupil Transportation and Food Service - Notification Requirements 5130.20 End-of-Year Activities, Eighth-Grade and High School Senior Class 5131 Steroids 5131.1 Steroids 5132 Athletic Competition 5132.1 Athletic Competition 5140 Collection of Monies - Fund Raising Activities 5140.1 Collection of Monies 5140.2 Contests for Students 5140.3 Fund Raising Activities, Intermediate and Secondary Schools 5140.4 Food Sales, Regulations for 5140.5 Picnics, Breakfasts, Class Parties, and Exchange of Student Gifts 5140.6 Fund Raising Activities - Car Washes 5140.7 Fund Raising Activities, Elementary Schools 5140.8 Fund Raising Activities, School Photography Programs 5140.9 Fund Raising Activities, Online Crowd-Funding Internet Platform 5141 Bullying and Cyberbullying 5142 Suicide Prevention Programs 5142.1 Suicide Prevention Programs Exhibit: Suicide Prevention Guide 5150 Student Offenders - Suspension, Expulsion, Exclusion of 5150.3 Student Conduct; School Bus, Standards for 5150.4 Student Conduct; School Bus, Guidelines for Maintaining 5150.5 Student Unrest, Guidelines for Supervision During 5150.7 Safety Measures for Local Schools, Guidelines for 5150.8 Bomb Threat Response Procedures for Schools 5151 Student Discipline 5151.1 Discipline Procedures 5151.2 Weapons or Injurious Objects, Authorizes Certain School Personnel to Take Away and Retain Possession of 5151.3 Suspension and Expulsion – Students with Disabilities 5152 District Discipline Committee 5152.1 District Discipline Committee 5153 Drills, Emergency/Instruction 5153.1 Drills, Emergency/Instruction 5154 Suspensions; Parent or Guardian to Attend Portion of School Day 5154.1 Suspensions; Parent or Guardian to Attend Portion of School Day, Procedures for 5155 Corporal Punishment 5156 Mobile Communication Devices 5156.1 Mobile Communication Devices 5160 Dress Standards, K-12 5160.1 Dress Standards, K-12 5161 Harassment on the Basis of an Individual’s Sex – Students 5161.1 Harassment on the Basis of an Individual’s Sex - Students 5170 Student Government, Operation and Management of 5170.1 Student Government, Regulations for 5170.2 Voter Registration of Students on Campus 5170.3 Student Government/Fund Raising, Elementary Schools 5170.4 Student Body Association, Non-organized 5175 Student Organizations or Clubs, Formation of 5175.1 Student Organizations or Clubs, Operation of 5176 Eligibility Requirements for Students; Extracurricular/Cocurricular Activities 5176.1 Eligibility Requirements for Students; Extracurricular/Cocurricular Activities 5177 Parent-Support Organizations 5177.1 Parent-Support Organizations

6000 Instructional Programs

6110 Instructional Time - Regular School Day 6110.1 Minimum School Day, Guidelines for 6110.2 Class Size, Restrictions (K-8) 6110.3 District Calendar, Responsibility for 6110.4 Daily School Sessions, Recesses 6112 School Accreditation, Authorization for 6112.1 Accreditation, High School: District and School Responsibilities for 6115 Career Education, Position Statement 6116 Alternative Instruction/Training Position Statement 6116.1 Alternative Instruction/Training, Student Referrals 6116.2 Alternative Education: K-12 Independent Study Program 6120 Graduation Requirements and Standards-Based Curricula, K-12 and Adult 6120.1 Graduation Requirements, Specific Provisions of 6120.2 Accumulation of Credits for Graduation - Day High Schools 6120.3 Transfer of Credits for Graduation - Day High Schools 6120.5 Curriculum Development to Improve Instruction, Guidelines for 6120.6 Physical Education, Medical Exclusion from Required Participation in 6120.7 Release from Studies which Conflict with Religious Beliefs 6120.8 Course of Study for Grades 7-8, Specific Provisions of 6120.9 Foreign Exchange Students: Admission Age, Supervision, Diplomas 6120.10 Physical Education Exemptions 6121 Special Education Students, Differential Standards/Proficiency Requirements for 6121.1 Differential Standards of Proficiency for Special Education Students 6122 Exceptional Children - Interagency Agreements for the Education of 6125 Pupil Promotion, Retention, Acceleration; Parent Notification 6125.1 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention 6125.6 Home/Hospital Designated Instruction and Service (DIS), Guidelines for 6126 Grades and Evaluation of Students 6126.1 Grades 6126.2 Notification of Failure 6127 Transcripts and Student Grades, Treatment of 6128 Homework Guidelines 6128.1 Homework, Guidelines for 6130 Drug Abuse Prevention Education Program 6130.1 Drug Abuse Prevention Education Program 6140 Instructional Materials, Classroom/Library: Selection, Adoption, and Disposal of 6140.1 Instructional Materials (Basic and Supplementary), Selection and Adoption of 6140.2 Library Materials, Selection of 6140.3 District, Audio-Visual Materials, Selection of 6140.4 Instructional Material, Determination of Obsolescence 6141 Copyright Laws, Adherence to 6142 Internet, and Other On-Line Information Services, Use of 6142.1 Internet, and Other On-Line Information Services, Use of 6143 E-mail, and Other Communication Services, Use of 6143.1 Technology Use Guidelines 6150 Controversial Issues 6150.1 Controversial Issues, Education Code Provisions Relating to 6150.2 Controversial Instructional Materials, Procedures for Handling Complaints 6155 Library Resources, Use of 6155.1 Sponsored/Free Materials, Use of 6155.2 Vendors, Demonstrations by 6155.3 Classes, Production and Repair 6155.4 Educational/Co-Curricular Activity Trips 6155.6 Living Wild Animals, Prohibitions Against Maintaining on Campus 6160 Adult Education, Tuition Fees 6161 Adult Education, Incidental Material/Equipment Fees 6170 District Master Plan to Implement Part 28, Chapter Six, California Education Code 6170.1 District Master Plan to Implement Part 28, Chapter Six, California Education Code 6171 Title I Programs, Comparability of Services 6171.1 Title I Programs